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Contact Details


Christ Church (Erith) C of E Primary School

Christ Church (Erith) Church of England Primary School is a vibrant, ambitious and inclusive school that places children at the heart of everything that we do. Our school celebrates the rich social and cultural diversity of the world that we are privileged to live in. We offer a values-based education that develops the whole child, socially, academically and spiritually. 


Our strong Christian ethos is reflected in our core values of Respect, Joy, Honesty and Forgiveness. All are welcomed and valued at Christ Church. We strive for academic excellence, self-discipline and creativity, alongside caring respectful relationships, between pupils, staff, parents/carers and our external partners. 


We are also committed to continuously developing our curriculum so that every child is inspired to learn and every teacher is inspired to teach.  We recognise that parents/carers are children's first teachers, so we actively seek and encourage parental partnership in school life. 


We are fortunate to have extensive facilities and several break-out learning zones throughout the school.  Additionally, we have a computing suite and access to wraparound care (breakfast and afterschool club). For personal development, children are also expected to participate in various activity clubs during and after school.


Do visit our website; or better still, make an appointment to visit in person.  We look forward to meeting you.



Contact Details


Christ Church (Erith) C of E Primary School

Lesney Park Road

Erith, Kent, DA8 3DG

01322 333 780

Get in Touch

Trinitas Academy Trust

Erith Road, Belvedere, Kent DA17 6HT

T: 01322 441371


Trinitas Academy Trust is a Multi-Academy Trust

Incorporated on 07/03/2011 - Companies House Number 07554121
