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Contact Details


Trinity Church of England School Belvedere

Trinity School is the only Church of England secondary school in the London Borough of Bexley and has a reputation for commitment to students of all abilities and a renowned level of pastoral care. This is the result of a stable, dedicated and highly effective team of staff ensuring that pupils have every opportunity to succeed in a huge variety of activities in and out of the classroom. Trinity became an academy in April 2011.

Trinity is a school with a strong Christian ethos and this brings a central spiritual and moral dimension to all that we do. The Act of Worship, Eucharist and prayer meetings serve to confirm and support work in the classroom and our expectations of pupils including those belonging to other faith communities. Anglican Schools inspectors said: “Pupils confidently and sensitively discuss matters of faith and belief, and their understanding of religious issues supports community cohesion”.

We aim to find the route to excellence for every pupil in their time with us and to develop a lifelong love of learning. We expect everyone who joins us to do their very best, to be happy and feel safe at school, and to respect the Trinity School Code. Ofsted inspectors said: “Pupils enjoy their schooling, and this contributes to their good achievement”.


Contact Details


Trinity School

Erith Road, Belvedere, Kent, DA17 6HT

01322 441371

Get in Touch

Trinitas Academy Trust

Erith Road, Belvedere, Kent DA17 6HT

T: 01322 441371


Trinitas Academy Trust is a Multi-Academy Trust

Incorporated on 07/03/2011 - Companies House Number 07554121
