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Contact Details


St Paul's (Slade Green) C of E Primary School

St Paul’s (Slade Green) C of E Primary School is a forward thinking school committed to continuous improvement. We believe our children are quite exceptional and encourage each child to be aspirational, confident and proud of their own achievements.

We pride ourselves on being inclusive, catering for the needs of all children whilst striving to achieve high academic standards. 

We believe that education is about the development of the whole child and achieve this through our engaging Learning Quest curriculum. 

We provide a safe and stimulating environment where every individual is respected and valued as part of our school community.


Contact Details


St Paul's (Slade Green) C of E Primary School

Slade Green Road, Erith, Kent, DA8 2HX

01322 334689

Get in Touch

Trinitas Academy Trust

Erith Road, Belvedere, Kent DA17 6HT

T: 01322 441371


Trinitas Academy Trust is a Multi-Academy Trust

Incorporated on 07/03/2011 - Companies House Number 07554121
